The Completed

Final Fantasy I * Final Fantasy II * Final Fantasy III * Final Fantasy IV * Final Fantasy V * Final Fantasy VI * Final Fantasy VII * Final Fantasy VIII * Final Fantasy IX * Final Fantasy X * Final Fantasy XI * Final Fantasy XII

Saturday, February 9, 2008

the Humor of Final Fantasy V (Day 162)

When I talk about funny moments in Final Fantasy V I don't really mean laugh-out-loud moments, but just some scenes and lines that I find myself chuckling at. It adds to the game and I'm not sure if I should credit this to the original writers of the game or the translators for it in the American English version.

I decided to add some snapshots for you guys, as I love taking pictures.

The first one is of Gilgamesh. His story is funny, as he is a lackey for Ex-Death, and he finds himself crossing swords with you more than once. One thing that you notice is that he wears some pretty neat gear (Genji Armor set), so every time you battle him, you should start stealing. This picture shows him at the end of the bridge that leads to Ex-Death's castle; as you escape he guards the final exit. His quote, "Ha ha! Guess who's been waiting behind this door the whole time? Yes, it's me!" Just seemed funny for a video-game to me. He will live on in the Final Fantasy world as he is given a re-appearance in Final Fantasy I (remade for GBA) and Final Fantasy 10 as a summon. I guess thats what happens when the fans like a character, they get promoted to be a summon.

In this second screen-shot we see the guys all jump away from Ghido. I don't blame them, who wouldn't be startled at a talking turtle. Yes, that's what the great sage Ghido appears to be. The long search for him in the underwater cave brought you strife, but you finally meet, and the pleasure is all his. Bartz says, "Sweet Christmas, it's a talking turtle!"

This last picture shows our main character having completed his piano training. Here's another aspect of the game that has never been reproduced: piano training. In every major town of Final Fantasy V, a piano is hiding somewhere. Your mission is to play them all to improve your own piano skills. It's silly, but only takes an extra few seconds to find. Upon playing the last one, you get to call yourself a piano master, and get the last song of the game. The song enables you to gain levels, so it's not a bad thing to have. The quote says, "You have mastered the piano!!!! All others quake in fear at your superhuman keyboard manipulation skill!" I doubt this kind of writing will ever appear in later Final Fantasies, but can you blame me for finding it funny?

I have continued on my quest of completing FFV. I finally got all the magics, all the summons, and all the songs. Next up would be a lazy trip to cleaning up the blue magics, then onward to the last boss.

Next update: the end is near, again.

  • Game Time: 30 Hrs and 6 mins (+30 mins lost time)
  • Days: 162
  • 6 Gameovers
    • Charred by Lasers from the "Soul Cannon"
    • Killed by Gil turtle
    • Killed by Gil turtle's quake
    • Killed by Possessed Crystals
    • Killed by Possessed Crystals again!
    • Nuked by Bahamut's Mega-flare

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