The Completed

Final Fantasy I * Final Fantasy II * Final Fantasy III * Final Fantasy IV * Final Fantasy V * Final Fantasy VI * Final Fantasy VII * Final Fantasy VIII * Final Fantasy IX * Final Fantasy X * Final Fantasy XI * Final Fantasy XII

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hope Reigns Over the Void (Day 78)

After a harrowing battle with "the Cloud of Darkness" or the Void that lasted for 15 minutes, I finally beat Final Fantasy III. Too bad it's already day 78. Let's recap:

In the last blog I told you guys that I was beaten by the Cloud of Darkness, the last boss in FF3, and it really took a lot out of me. Not because of the defeat, but because there were no save points from the Crystal Palace all the way up to the last boss. There was a lost of an hour of playing and a sense of disinterest consumed me. Work mounted up at the company (Peterson Tractor, where I'm an order analyst), and I started getting into the TV show Heroes. I also took a few days off of the Final Fantasy Challenge to play Age of Empires DS - Stupid war strategy games always get me giddy. But last week I started playing Final Fantasy again, step by step. I had to start leveling up again, the old way. So I did about 30 minutes of leveling-up a day until I got to level 60, a comfortable level to be at, and rushed to the end.

I changed my party up a bit. My main character changed from Thief to Black Belt, I needed the more HP. Ingus changed from Dragoon to Knight, so that he can wield the Ragnorok and Excalibur. I kept on waiting for my Devout to be able to level up her White Magic, but it never got strong enough to cast Haste or Protect on everyone. Perhaps it didn't work. My configuration for the final battle was having the Black Belt attack, the Summoner summon Bahamir, the Knight using items to caste Haste/ Protect, and the Devout to heal after EVERY TURN. It was going to be a long battle, but it was a safe battle. I ended up with only one death because the boss used Particle Beam (her strongest attack that attacks all) and Lightning. I had Ribbons on everyone so that her Bad Breath attack was nullified. When push came to shove, I beat her with my defense.

The ending to Final Fantasy III was not bad, but not the best. Light is restored to the crystals and all the characters got to go home to their families. Every character that you've met kinda came back to help you out in the fight, not a first for Final Fantasy games - you kinda expect them to return in the end now. You have to defeat four mini-bosses before you can fight the Cloud of Darkness. Each of these bosses release a Warrior of the Dark, who supports you in your fight against the last boss. The story is confusing, but I guess you need to use both Light Warriors and Darkness Warriors to defeat the Void; which is something worse than light and dark, but the antithesis of Hope.

I missed a lot of side quests in the game because I couldn't get my Mognet Mail to work, but I'm tired of FF3. Onwards to Final Fantasy IV, what some may say is the greatest FF story ever written. In some ways, it's "easy street" from here on, because I've played Final Fantasy 4 through 10 before. The second, third, and twelfth ones are the only ones new to me. Let the games begin! Thats the last save screen after the credits roll. I got three stars to show that I beat the game, but I'm not sure what does three stars mean. Perhaps a perfect game is four stars? Anyways, here goes some numbers.

  • Game Time: FF3: 31 hrs 19 mins + 1 hr 15 mins (Gameovers and ending)
  • Attained all job classes, spells, and summons.
  • Gameovers: 2 (1 from the beginning, and 1 from the Cloud of Darkness).
  • Days: 78

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