The Completed

Final Fantasy I * Final Fantasy II * Final Fantasy III * Final Fantasy IV * Final Fantasy V * Final Fantasy VI * Final Fantasy VII * Final Fantasy VIII * Final Fantasy IX * Final Fantasy X * Final Fantasy XI * Final Fantasy XII

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Final Fantasy Evolution (part I)

In the beginning there was Final Fantasy I. This is the bare-bone edition of the game, the core of it all. No CGI's or FMV's, no summons or job classes, nothing but 8-bit graphics and imagination. Here's a quick summary of core items that carried onto the series after Final Fantasy I.
  1. Four Elemental Crystals (plot)
  2. Four character Party
  3. Airship, ship, and Canoe (vehicles)
  4. Job classes: 12 in all
  5. Masamune Blade, Excalibur, Cat claws (weapon)
  6. Ribbon (helm)
  7. 1 mini game
Here's a quick recount of what was added in Final Fantasy II.
  1. Ultima (magic)
  2. snow craft (vehicle)
  3. temporary party members (people come and go)
  4. Chocobos
  5. Cid as the air-ship maker/owner
  6. Aura, Osmosis, Drain (spells)
  7. Dragoons
  8. Bows and Spear class weapons

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