The Completed

Final Fantasy I * Final Fantasy II * Final Fantasy III * Final Fantasy IV * Final Fantasy V * Final Fantasy VI * Final Fantasy VII * Final Fantasy VIII * Final Fantasy IX * Final Fantasy X * Final Fantasy XI * Final Fantasy XII

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Summoners? (Day 49)

The world is a strange place for adventurers in Final Fantasy III, and to help them along their way they have to conjure aids in their battles. What am I hinting at? You can all them Espers or Aeons, but we'll just remember them as Summons. Final Fantasy III introduces the notion of Summoning or Call Magic in Final Fantasy IV. The first five are the regular ones:
  1. 1. Chocobo
  2. 2. Shiva
  3. 3. Ifrit
  4. 4. Ramuh
  5. 5. Titan
But from there on you have to fight for the rest. From there you had to prove yourself to the later three. Odin awaits you under Sardonia Castle, Leviathan lurks beneath lake Duhr, and Bahamut awaits in his own lair. I thought that they were pretty difficult to fight, but I think I went there a bit too early.

My party now consists of a Thief, a Summoner, a Dragoon, and a Devout. Hopefully I will change into a Knight so I can use the Excalibur and Ragnorak. Thief is pretty weak, but since he's already at level 78 for his job, he might as well finish it up. I finally got all of the crystals, so now the end game awaits. What about my equipment? Well after my travels in Eureka, I acquired the Masumune, Excalibur, Ragnorak, Moon Blade, Elder Staff, Omni-Rod, and Gungnir Spear. So it's all about training people to use them from here on. Hopefully the end game isn't that hard, I can't wait to play something more familiar.
  • Game Time: 20 hrs 6 mins
  • Deaths: 1
  • Days: 49

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